Stop selling lies and giving marketing a bad name.
Many modern marketers use and recommend using false promising results. They are selling lies for all practical purposes. Miracle statements like “become a millionaire” or “lose # pounds in # weeks” may trigger the best gut responses and easy sales pitches.
However, marketing, when done right, is an art. Honest and soulful.
Here are three basic elements of good and high-quality soulful marketing:
- Good storytelling
- Added value
- Catering to your client’s needs
Good Storytelling
Infomercials and reality shows are the best proof. Knowing the story of your product, or the stories of those who use it, works wonders! It appeals to basic psychology and social impulse, in a positive way. You may still sell aspirational concepts, and show before and after. But you do so in a way that allows your user to connect with the product or service.
When you learn that Apple and Amazon started in someone’s garage, you are not beings sold a lie. It is aspirational. When you learn that Walt Disney was broke and ended up building an empire, it is true. Hard work pays off. And your connection with their stories may encourage you to build your own success story. Sharing your inspiration with others, allows them to develop empathy for your product or service. And this, may be compelling to their decision to buy.
Added Value
True marketing is like match-making. You want the right people to find the right product (or service). Storytelling is one way to do it, but it is incomplete if you do not tell your audience what they get out this business transaction. If they buy your product, then they wil_____. They will have more time, save money, learn more, be happier, healthier, more relaxed, etc.
Provide them with the result, but also give them value. When you buy this product, you are supporting this cause. Be real. No lies! By using this sustainable product, you are saving this many trees. Your product or service, not only serves a specific purpose, it is also part of a bigger cause.
Catering to Your Client’s Needs
Know your client. This means, knowing where they are, what they need, what they do, and how and where you fit in. Nothing is better in this business-client relationship than feeling important. And what makes us feel important? To know that someone cares about who we are and what we think. If you listen to your client, and analyze their behavior, you are better able to serve.
This goes beyond stalking or invading privacy. I’m talking about learning from what your client already shows. You do not need sneaky tricks, all you need is to take the time, or find the right people to stay informed. Hiring a market research company or person is an option. You can do it on your own, but it requires you to take your clients seriously. Each one of them is a person. Even if they create trends and patterns, each client is different. Never forget that!