I don’t give a… like!
It may seem simple, but if you don’t give a like, you’re not showing love! Are you one of those people who browse through life without paying much attention to the content? How many requests do you have from your … Ver Más
It may seem simple, but if you don’t give a like, you’re not showing love! Are you one of those people who browse through life without paying much attention to the content? How many requests do you have from your … Ver Más
I would say, please DON’T. That’s right. I’m very aware that it may seem silly coming from a digital marketing consultant. It’s absurd coming from someone who persuades people about the power of social media every single day. But I … Ver Más
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a full blown community manager, digital marketer, or just someone trying to go digital with their business or art. These 3 things make everything inside you cringe in fear. Facebook changing its algorithm One day … Ver Más
There are two social media trends that started with social media itself. And yes, I’m talking about naked pictures and break-ups, but truly it’s more than that it is the essence of what makes those things happen: Oversharing and Over-engaging … Ver Más
Do you find contents boring? Annoying? Take a look at your own participation within the social media world, and you might find how powerful you are. Share this information, and make sure others understand the power of individual actions in … Ver Más