For a long time web celebrities and influencers have been catalogued as superficial or shallow, they might go viral with silly challenges and videos; and some think of them as millenial kids who found nothing better to do.
However, every day there are more influencers who understand that their numbers count for something way more important, and that they can gain more by putting quality content and messages online. Entertainment proves once again to be capable of changing lives in any of its formats, including social media.

In past months it was Ben Stiller, Jerome Jarre, and Juanpa Zurita who made a huge impact on Somalia. How did they do it? Well… Jerome Jarre summoned influencers and artists to take part in a fundraising campaign after he came aware of the situation in Somalia. The outcome, they raised $2,6 million USD that allowed for millions of people to face the draught season. The impact of their videos and online presence not only fed people, but also raised awareness in a country that few people notice in a regular basis, but that they could assist nonetheless. Their project keeps growing, since they found that shipping food to them would not help the local economy as much as if they actually bought local products. That in itself shows a vision that few public policy officials seem to have these days, something we wouldn’t expect from digital influencers, but shows that they have truly evolved and stepped up to their role in current society.

Even though that might be the biggest impact that they have made as a collective, there is a growing tendency and awareness in other influencers and vloggers, who are generating high impact social contents. It is not only funny videos or challenges, it is not about merging fan bases or starting singing or acting careers. Now influencers are also bringing the eyes and ears of the world to urgent issues worldwide. An example of this are Luisito Comunica and Joanna Haussman, who are bringing attention and first hand knowledge of what’s going on in Venezuela.

Another great example is a new project developed by Mexican influencers Roberto Mtz, Rorro, and Farid Dieck who, aware of the pending issue in Mexican football (soccer if you’re in the U.S.) regarding audiences yelling an insult as a “trend” in football matches, decided to start a challenge. They took on a trend that has raised many issues in past years, even leading to FIFA complaints and sanctions. They took on something that soccer players, local leagues, authorities, and brands refused to touch claiming that people “are who they are” and it was not an insult but just the passion of the game. Yet, three influencers decided to not only talk about it, but actually do something to make it stop.
That superficiality that seemed to trend in the web and digital contents is evolving in some cases. How about you? Do you want to be part of that change? What do you think about it? If you know of other influencers who are creating though-provoking and world-changing content, please do share! We will be happy to keep track of them and promote their efforts as much as possible.
If you want to learn more about these projects check out the following links: